Forward Sioux Falls Investors
Our region thrives on the support of hundreds of investors who are devoted to seeing our community grow. Collaboration is key and private and public partnerships are forged to leverage opportunities. Thanks to these valued investors, we remain committed to our region’s growth.
2021-2026 Investors
AAA Pool Construction
Active Data Systems
Active Generations
Allen Homes
Alliance Communications Cooperative, Inc.
Alumend, LLC
American Bank & Trust
Architecture Incorporated
Argus Leader/LOCALiQ
ARS, a Tecta America Company, LLC
Assam Commercial Real Estate
ASM Global/Denny Sanford PREMIER Center
Augustana University
Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center
Baete-Forseth HVAC
Bank Midwest
Beck & Hofer Construction, Inc.
Bender Commercial Real Estate
Bierschbach Equipment & Supply
Billion Automobile Companies
Blend Interactive
Bluestem Capital Company, LLC
Boen & Associates, Inc.
Boyce Law Firm LLP
Breadsmith of Sioux Falls
Builders Supply Company
Building Products, Inc.
Burwell Enterprises LLC
Cadwell Sanford Deibert & Garry, LLP
Canfield Business Interiors
Capital Services, Inc.
Carl V. Carlson Company-Cemcast
Central Bank
CCC Intelligent Solutions
Chad Phillips Photography
Christensen Broadcasting- KLOH Radio
City of Sioux Falls
Click Rain, Inc.
Climate Systems, Inc.
CNA Surety
Coca-Cola Bottling Company-Chesterman Company
Colliers Securities – Formerly Dougherty & Company LLC
Commercial Interior Decor, Inc.
Component Manufacturing/Reaves Building Systems
Construction Products & Consultants, Inc.
COOP Architecture
Cornerstone Bank
CorTrust Bank
Costello Investments, LLC
Costello Property Management
Country Club of Sioux Falls
Crane & Fowler Investments
Creative Surfaces, Inc.
Cresten Capital Holdings
Cutler Law Firm, LLP
Dacotah Bank
Dakota Beverage Company, Inc.
Dakota BUSINESS Finance
Dakota Digital
Dakota News Now
Dakota State University
Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith, LLP
Design Tanks, Inc.
DGR Engineering
Diesel Machinery, Inc.
Dizco, Inc.
DMG. Inc. dba Malloy Electric
Dorsey & Whitney Trust Company LLC
Doyle, Dan & Jessica
Dunham Brokerage LLC dba Jim Dunham & Associates
Dykhouse, Dana
East River Electric Power Cooperative, Inc
Edward Jones-Tom Loofe
Egger Steel Co.
Eide Bailly LLP
Electric Supply Co., Inc.
Elgethun Capital Management
ELO CPA’s & Advisors
Empire Homes LLC
Equity Homes, Inc.
Ernst Capital Group
Evans Law
Fair Tax, Inc.
Falls Real Estate
Fareway Stores, Inc
Farmers Insurance Group/Karsky Agency
Fernson Brewing Company LLC
Fiegen Construction Co.
First Bank & Trust, NA
First Dakota National Bank/Loft Advisors
First Dakota Title – The Title Resource Network
First International Bank & Trust
First PREMIER Bank/PREMIER Bankcard
First Savings Bank
First Western Bank & Trust
Five Star Call Centers
Foundation Building Materials
Friessen Construction Co., Inc.
Frisbees, Inc.
Froehlich, Dale
Frontier Bank
Furniture Mart, USA
Gage Brothers Concrete Products, Inc.
George Boom Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Geotek Engineering & Testing Services, Inc.
Gil Haugan Construction
Golden West Telecommunications
Graham Tire & Automotive Company
Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort
Grand Prairie Foods
Great Western Bank
Griffin, Jeff & Rosy
Hagen, Wilka & Archer, LLP
Harms Oil Company
Haselhoff, Sharon
Hauff Mid America Sports
HDR, Inc.
Heartland Glass Co.
Hegg Companies, Inc.
Hegg Realtors
Henry Carlson Co.
Herc-U-Lift, Inc.
Hilton Garden Inn Sioux Falls Downtown
Hjellming Construction
Hoefert-Redlinger, Kristin
Hofer, Humpal & Hadler, PC
Holmes Murphy & Associates
Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire (HBA)
Horner & Barrow Orthodontics, PC
Howes Heating & Plumbing, Inc.
Howes Oil Company, Inc.
HR Green, Inc.
HUB International
ICAN, Inc.
Infrastructure Design Group
Interstate Office Products, Inc.
IS Restaurant Design, Equipment & Supply
JDS Industries, Inc.
JLG Architects
Johnstone Supply
Journey Group
K & J Trucking
Kelly Construction-Sioux Falls
KELOLAND Media Group
Kippley, Dan
Kirby, Dan
KN Construction Inc. DBA Nielson Construction
Koch Hazard Architects
Krier & Blain, Inc.
L.G. Everist Inc.
Landscape Garden Center
Lawrence & Schiller, Inc.
Legacy Developments
Levo Credit Union
Lewis Drug, Inc.
Liberty National Bank
Limestone, Inc.
Lincoln County Commission
Lloyd Companies
Lutheran Social Services
Lynch, Mike & Brenda
Lynn, Jackson, Shultz & Lebrun, PC
Maguire Iron, Inc.
Malone Capital Management, Inc.
MAP, Inc.
Marmen Energy Company
Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC
Mathis, Jim & Kara
Maximizing Excellence, LLC
May & Johnson PC
McDonalds Restaurants
McGough Construction
McKinneyOlson Insurance
Meierhenry Sargent LLP
MetaBank/Meta Financial Group
Micelotta, Tom
Michaels Fence & Supply Co.
Mickelson & Company
MidAmerican Energy Company
Midwestern Mechanical, Inc.
Minnehaha County
Minnwest Bank
Montgomery’s Furniture
Mundt, Bob & Martha
Muth Electric, Inc.
NAI Sioux Falls Commercial, Inc.
Nelson & Nelson, CPA’s LLP
Nelson Commercial Real Estate
Nexus Venture Group
North Central Heart Institute
Northern Truck Equipment Corporation
NorthWestern Energy
Northwestern Mutual
Novak Sanitary Service
Nyberg’s Ace Hardware
O’Connell Law Office, Prof. L.L.C
Oldenkamp, Betty
Olympic Companies, Inc.
One American Bank
Orthopedic Institute
Outsound Productions
Overhead Door Company of Sioux Falls, Inc.
P & M Steel Co.
Panther Premier Print Solutions
Paradigm Construction/RMB Associates, LLC
Parker Transfer & Storage, Inc.
Pepsi Beverages Company
Pizza Ranch on 41st Street
Plains Commerce Bank
Poet Biorefining
Pride Neon
Principal Financial Group
Principal Financial Group-Ron Staebell
Puetz Design Build
Qualified Presort Service, Inc.
Quoin Financial Bank
Raeco Builders, LLC
Ramkota Companies
Raven Industries, Inc.
Realtor Association of Sioux Empire
Results Radio
Rogers Appraisal Service, Inc.
Ronning Companies
Rozenboom, Dave & Tammy
Runge Enterprises, Inc.
Sammons Financial Group
Sands Drywall, Inc.
Sanford Health
Sayre Associates, Inc.
Schoeneman Brothers Company
Scott’s Lumber & Supply Co.
SDN Communications
Security National Bank
Security Savings Bank
ServiceMaster Building & Commercial Maintenance
Seykora Remodeling, LLC
Shaykett Appraisal Co., Inc.
Sheraton Sioux Falls Hotel
Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH)
Showplace Cabinetry
Signature Companies
SiKorski, Steven D. & Arlys M.
Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation
Sioux Falls Federal Credit Union
Sioux Falls Ford Lincoln & Luxury Auto Mall of Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls Regional Airport Authority
Sioux Falls School District 49-5
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital, LLP
Sioux Valley Energy
Skinner Financial Services
Skydine-Marlins Family Restaurant
Smithfield Foods Sioux Falls
Soukup Construction, Inc.
South Dakota State University
South Dakota Trust Co., LLC
Southeast Technical College
Southeastern Electric Cooperative
Sprenger Midwest, Inc.
Stan Houston Equipment Co., Inc.
State Farm Insurance-Jason Ahrendt
Stern Company
Stockwell Engineers, Inc.
Sweetman Construction Co./Concrete Materials
Sylvan Learning of Sioux Falls, Brookings & Mitchell
Tallgrass Wealth Management, Inc.
Tamarack Materials Drywall Supply
Tessier’s, Inc
The Allen Edge Real Estate Team
The Barnes DeMore Group at Morgan Stanley
The Bancorp
The Diamond Room
The Dunham Company
The Empire Mall
The Everist Company
The Event Company
The First National Bank in Sioux Falls
The University of South Dakota
Thimjon, Bob & Joan
Thompson Electric Company
Thornton Flooring
Thurman, Comes, Foley & Co., LLP
Transource Truck & Equipment, Inc.
Tri-State Wholesale Flooring, Inc.
TSP, Inc.
Tyler Goff Group
U.S. Bank
University of Sioux Falls
USA Media TV
Van Buskirk Companies
Vance Thompson Vision
Vern Eide Motorcars, Inc.
Washington Pavilion
Waterbury Heating, Plumbing & Elec.
Welcome Sioux Falls, LLC
Weller Brothers
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Dakota
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
West Plains Engineering, Inc.
Williamson Management Group, Inc.
Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Smith P.C.
Worthington Tractor Parts, Inc.
WR Hospitality
X Freight/X-Linx, Inc./X-Trux, Inc.
Xcel Energy
This public/private partnership shows the commitment businesses have to Sioux Falls and its sustained growth. We are paving the way for generations to come.
For over thirty-five years, Forward Sioux Falls has been a productive platform for pursuing economic growth and implementing priority strategies, programs and projects. It has played a key role in our unique and proud story of success. Significant financial investments from the private and public sectors combined with the commitment of engaged volunteers and staff have fueled our programming and achievements.
As we facilitate our eighth multi-year program, we implore our investors—and all of the region’s stakeholders—to remain diligent and to maintain a requisite sense of urgency for our region’s continued growth and prosperity. Complacency and indifference among our stakeholders would threaten our progress. We owe it to those that came before us and to those who will follow to carry the torch. To do that, we need your support as we develop, execute and expand our initiatives.
We appreciate your consideration of an investment in Forward Sioux Falls.
For over three decades Forward Sioux Falls has been Sioux Falls’ “engine for growth” and a “catalyst” for positive thinking within the business community.